Georgia Tech

To support your privacy rights we have updated our Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy to describe our use and sharing of cookies with our social media, advertising & analytics partners. Additionally, some coaching tech” has enabled coaching conversations without the involvement of a human at a much lower cost. Bots, such as Pocket Confidant and People Squared , allow people to ask questions, work on simulation challenges, and practice their skills in competitive games. Technology and AI permit this to happen anytime and anywhere. Some companies, such as Axa and IBM , are encouraging their adoption to provide large-scale access to coaching. A cross-disciplinary team of Mechanical Engineering and Business students have been crowned Champions of the ESB Inter-Colleges Challenge 2019.

In conclusion, these are just a few uses of technology, technology can be used in many other sectors, for example, you can use technology in restaurants , in manufacturing of products , in controlling society, in quality management , use it to enable remote working , in promoting healthy eating using web-technologies and broadcasting technologies, use technology in political campaigns, use it to increase human life span, you can as well use technology in hotel and travel business, we use also use it in transportation. The truth is that, the uses of technology are unlimited. You can build on this list and make it more valuable to your friends by using the commenting box below.

11. Use Technology To Transfer information: The rate and speed at which information moves with in and out side the organization or business will determine the growth of that business. Well equipped organizations or business have used technology to created centralized data networks, via these networks, information can be stored both remotely or internally , and employees or managers of that organization can retrieve that information at any time to help them make analytical business decisions. Making decisions in a business is based on facts and data, so with a centralized data base of information, the all process of accessing and analyzing data becomes simple.

5. Use Social media: Both companies and consumers use special social media to communicate. Well established businesses use company based social networks like , as of now, is being used by more than 200,000 companies worldwide. For those who are not aware of this network, it’s an enterprise social network, basically created for companies and employees to exchange business and work related information. You can only use this network if you have a custom company email address, so only people with a verified company email address can join your company network.

For people who use both the Internet and mobile devices in excessive quantities it is likely for them to experience fatigue and over exhaustion as a result of disruptions in their sleeping patterns. Continuous studies have shown that increased BMI and weight gain are associated with people who spend long hours online and not exercising frequently. 70 Heavy Internet use is also displayed in the school lower grades of those who use it in excessive amounts. 71 It has also been noted that the use of mobile phones whilst driving has increased the occurrence of road accidents — particularly amongst teen drivers. Statistically, teens reportedly have fourfold the number of road traffic incidents as those who are 20 years or older, and a very high percentage of adolescents write (81%) and read (92%) texts while driving. 72 In this context, mass media and technology have a negative impact on people, on both their mental and physical health.