How Easy to Make a Website SEO Friendly

Search Engine Optimization

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO practitioners develop websites, web pages, and content to rank high in search engines like Google. SEO is a set of practices aimed at improving the appearance, position, and relevance of many types of content in search engine results. Content may include web pages, video media, images, local business listings, and other assets. Since organic search is the first way people discover and find content online, using SEO best practices is essential to ensure the digital content you publish is found and selected by the public. As a result, your website’s organic traffic increases.

To understand how SEO works, it is important to have a basic understanding of how search engines work. Search engines use crawlers (also known as spiders or bots) to gather information from the Internet to inform their large databases, called “indexes.” Crawlers start with a popular page and follow links from that page.

Make a Website SEO Friendly

For example, if Google indexes a page on on the topic of used clothing that includes internal links to other pages on the site for used jackets, hiking boots, and flannel shirts, Google can crawl these pages using links. was given. Meanwhile, if Patagonia’s used clothing page links to an article on about the negative effects of fast fashion, Google can access online information from Patagonia, thereby indexing its content. By discovery, it can be revealed as possible.

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The content of the discovered page, along with a range of links from Patagonia to The Guardian, helps Google understand what the page is about and how relevant it is to every other page in its index. .

If you’re a journalist who wrote an article about fast fashion for The Guardian, being part of a used outerwear section on a larger network linked to your section is a signal to Google that fast fashion is relevant. There may be a connection between the issues. And a possible solution is to buy used clothes instead of new ones. This clear correlation helps Google determine the best results for each query it receives from searchers.

The success of a search engine business depends on people finding search results that match their needs. Most link search engines like Google Find show

A particular property, the higher the confidence that the link property is relevant to some search query. Search engines then determine which sources should be posted online when people perform these queries.

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There are three main types of SEO: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO, all of which combine to help search engines discover, crawl, display, understand, and rank your content. , and this article will look at each. Among these topics

The main reason SEO is important is because it helps online advertisers appear in search engine results. Search engines like Google and Bing each have their own way of displaying and sorting when a user enters a query into the search box, such as:

In response to such a question, a search engine like Google can give different answers, let’s see and collect different types of answers here:

The results that Google is most familiar with are the traditional organic results, which are a collection of web pages that are ranked in a certain way according to Google’s algorithm. Search engine algorithms are formulas that search engines use to determine the relevance of possible answers to user queries. In the past, Google often returned 10 pages of organic results for each query, but now this number can vary greatly, and the number of results will depend on whether the searcher is using a desktop computer, mobile phone, or other device. Using the device. Traditional organic results look like this, with each entry having a title, description, link to source, and other attributes such as dates and other links:

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Beyond traditional organic search results, search engines can display a variety of other search results that can be categorized under the term “SERP features.” There are many types of SERP optimization including but not limited to:

Sitelinks link to additional pages on a site and may appear as part of that site’s index if the particular page is powerful enough or the search engine believes the particular page is more relevant to the user’s query, such as biology. List. The retailer includes links to its pages on women’s clothing, men’s clothing, used clothing, and more:

There are at least four types of results called “feature elements,” including carousels, lists, paragraphs, and tables. Videos are rarely shown in relation to each other. Highlighting specific areas Google pulls content from a web page to summarize it in SERPs, which link to the source of the information.

Links to “People Also Ask” feature summaries and other question-based information you’re using related to the original question:

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“Related Search” features link to other SERP sources and enable users to expand their query to find relevant information:

There are also additional SERPs for news results, hotel and travel results, shopping, quizzes, job listings, and more. SEO is important because it changes what search engines see for all results and features.

Influence is all SERP content paid for by the advertiser. Paid search engine results may include advertisements from Google’s advertising program, for example with its “sponsored” label:

Local businesses run ethnic ads through Google’s Advertising Services program to answer the same questions:

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Any time an answer is labeled “sponsored,” you’ll know it’s a paid ad and isn’t affected by your SEO efforts, but almost any other type of search engine results in your Show has a huge impact on performance.

Finally, it’s important to note that both Google and Bing are in the early stages of providing artificial intelligence-based search engines, as researched by Tom Capper on the blog. The extent to which AI content can impact SEO is still unknown. For example, it is clear that SEO makes a difference to Google’s search engine experience (SGE) because the content of traditional packages is used to some extent in answering local SGE queries, such as:

What stands out at the moment are all the obvious strategies to add offerings like Google’s Bard or the new Bing Chat. Over time, if these products are already known to the public, part of the SEO work will be to learn the results of the AI ​​and how to build their presence in this new way and possibly change to appear in the SERP. will also compete with

While each SEO campaign may have unique goals, most online publishers focus on achieving some or all of the following five outcomes from their investment in SEO:

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The majority of Google users stay on the first page of Google results to find the answer to their question and 75% will click on the first or second answer on the page. Because of this behavior, one of the main goals of SEO is to rank high in search results. The more visible your content is, the more likely it is to be found and selected by the public.

At this stage of your learning, it is important for you to know that webmasters should not follow the #1 myth of search engines, as companies like Google provide different results to different users based on their device location and small differences. will show A better goal than being their #1 query language is to get more visibility to your target audience in different SERPs.

When searchers arrive at your website by clicking on the organic SERPs, this is called “traffic”. Whether or not your website’s page click-through rate (CTR) from SERPs affects Google rankings is a hotly debated issue in the SEO industry. Bing recommends using CTR and bounce rate (how quickly people leave your page after landing) as ranking factors. But while the details of search engine algorithms remain a mystery, it’s clear that the goal of SEO work is to drive more traffic to your online property from the SERPs.

Although getting more traffic in SERPs, at first seems like a dream for any website owner, it will only affect the core business if this traffic is converted into sales or other important activities. For example, an independent bakery in San Francisco might reach the first page of Google for sourdough. It can go viral on social media for fun or casual marketing and turn it into a breaking news story. It can get national or international traffic from this list.